Ezekiel 34:28

  34:28   2532 και And 3756 ουκ they shall not 1510.8.6 έσονται be 2089 έτι any longer 1722 εν for 4307.2 προνομή plunder 3588 τοις by the 1484 έθνεσι nations. 2532 και And 3588 τα the 2342 θηρία wild beasts 3588 της of the 1093 γης land 3765 ουκέτι no longer 3766.2 ου μη in any way 2068 φάγωσιν shall eat 1473 αυτούς them. 2532 και And 2730 κατοικήσουσιν they shall dwell 1722 εν in 1680 ελπίδι hope, 2532 και and 3756 ουκ there will not 1510.8.3 έσται be 3588 ο one 1629 εκφοβών frightening 1473 αυτούς them.